Mandala Celesta

Receive the magic of celestial mandalas!

1: Pure energy of nobility, this mandala emanates the beauty and dignity of the path of true life.

I take care of myself by remaining authentic and giving the best of myself, I thus bring the richness of my being, by perfectly playing the role that my soul planned before my incarnation.

2: Gentle vibration of flexibility that brings strength and courage to dance towards your goals and convictions with patience and perseverance.

It also strengthens the anchoring in order to remove any illusion and strengthen clairvoyance.

3: The joy and satisfaction of growing and blossoming towards your original splendor.

This mandala brings the necessary opening to receive the celestial signs to support you on the path to wisdom.

It brings luck, abundance, success and happiness.

4: Receive the pure jewels of love and tenderness from the universe.

This mandala awakens and strengthens the sacred feminine, to allow you to love unconditionally and to be a mother to others, starting with yourself. Love yourself and happiness will grow within you, we are powerful and untouchable when we love!

5: With this mandala connected to the earth, you can become like the mountain and root yourself deeply to elevate your creative power, becoming untouchable!

Take this shield of the warrior of light and move forward according to your convictions without any fear.

6: This mandala in the colors of the honorable sun, radiates powerful emanations from the higher spheres.

It helps to purify spaces in order to preserve high vibrations, therefore bringing clarity of mind, joy, luck and inner well-being.

7: At the heart of your being, the burning fire of Life.

Animate this fire. Realize that you are an extraordinary being, you are unique and that is your wealth! You are rich in what you are! So be you!

Radiate your splendor for humanity, without you your beauty is missing.

8: This mandala of the higher spheres is a shield of protection and karmic healing which facilitates the release of harmful bonds of the past and the non-creation of new ones.

Thus accentuates the concentration towards the success of the soul's goal.

9: Vibration of balance and harmony coming from the higher spheres.

This mandala surrounds with its crystalline halo and protects from low frequencies. It thus allows us to preserve inner peace and emotional stability in order to make informed choices in all circumstances.

10: This powerful energy mandala allows you to regenerate

in order to rediscover our real authenticity and transform wounds and bad habits in pure energy of success and abundance.

11: Life allows me to grow, flourish and flourish.

Every moment is a step that I climb with enthusiasm.

I am grateful to welcome the best of myself and leave behind the old me that I thank and respect.

12: Opening portal to our higher consciousnesses which allows you to receive inspirations of awakening, awareness, and letting go to remain joyfully centered regardless of the situations and the environment

13: This mandala of lightness brings a vibration of renewal and fluidity to be resilient in all circumstances and to dance like a gentle breeze on the reeds, thus welcoming the seasons of life.

14: We are kings and queens who walk the earth, our role is to take care of our kingdom and all the beings that inhabit it, our human brothers and sisters, animals, plants, minerals and everything what is alive. This mandala will help you integrate this royalty, this nobility, this dignity that you have possessed since the beginning of time so that you radiate with love, wisdom and respect at all times, for you and your environment.